What is soul lesson? Is it a sin?

Nopes! Any misfortunes are just an obstacle on the path of uniting with the infinite within us.

We have been trained to think in terms of sin and punishment and this idea keeps the self at a lower vibration and in guilt. This also keeps stressing us that we are weak and wrong.

The empowering way is to view trails as lessons and opportunities. Ask ourselves “what is the lesson for me? And what can I do to avoid this the next time?

If you have violated any of the commands (stolen, cheated, lied, or even physically harmed another) even if you have done something irreparable wrong to someone out of greed, or anger. If you want to up-level yourself instead of dwelling on a thought that you did sin, you will see this as an obstacle to your spiritual union with all that you truly are and can become.

Say to yourself “I Still have obstacles that I have imposed which keep me from a spiritual solution. But at the same time, it’s not a shortcut to let go of what you did and repeat the same thing. This is something if you really want to evolve, you will start working in this direction. Don’t use it as an excuse!!

When you take your action in terms of obstacles to your union with god, you will automatically start doing all that you can do to correct the wrongful acts.

So keep telling yourself in your mind
God is in my team!!

6 responses to “What is soul lesson? Is it a sin?”

  1. Swapnnil Avatar

    Very well explained

    1. adm@seek Avatar

      Thanks alot for taking your valuable time and reading it & dropping your feedback. Thank you

  2. Emma Negi Avatar
    Emma Negi

    Very insightful explanation

    1. adm@seek Avatar

      Thanks alot for taking your valuable time for reading it & dropping your feedback. Thank you

  3. Bhawana Avatar

    I just love it . Calms my soul to read it

    1. adm@seek Avatar

      Thank you and glad to know that you felt calm…

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